This message
can never be understood with words.
It is not an intellectual grasping.
It is the end
of all grasping,
of all wanting
to get and understand.
The end of trying to reach something,
some place,
some state.
And it is the end of the feeling
that something
is wrong or missing
or that something
is out of place.
It is arriving home.
A place we lost sight of,
looking for something else.
A clear view reveals
this erroneous assumption.
We are ever only Oneness
looking for ourselves.
Out of a need to clarify the process of unfolding and integration, the blog ‘Potshots’ started naturally and spontaneously shortly after meeting Leo Hartong in 2009. Insights were coming up and wanted to be written down.
There was also perhaps the wish to point to others still under the illusion of a journey, that there is no need for another step.
And to invite them to stop whirling around in a woolly dream, like I had been doing for decades, and really try to understand who we are, what our identity is.
It Is already where we are, what we are, where we are looking from. A personal bound identity is a prop to navigate through life but it is not only what we are. We are Aware Presence, Life appearing as everything which is happening right now, Life at zero distance.
As you read these words, it Is the screen of your computer. It Is the blurred visuals of the room at the edges while these letters are seen and made sense of. It Is the sensation of your feet meeting the floor, the smell and taste of freshly brewed coffee, the horn of a car passing by, or the tweet of a bird in a nearby tree. It Is always everything that is appearing right now.
It actually did not come to mind to edit the “Potshots” blog posts into a book until Jerry Katz and other friends encouraged this idea, and Cécilia offered to put it all together.
It was suggested to me to write a few words about the life and search of Anamika for the readers of my blog or book.
Yes, why not? But now, from which angle?
When I started gathering some facts, I was struck anew by the length of this search. So many years while all this time,This had been so close and accessible but simply not recognized...
Since the contraction fell away some time in 2009, I have met many who are open and living close to this perspective. And like me before the final recognition, have no inkling that the treasure or home is already where they are.
They feel something might be wrong with them and are at times looked upon as a bit odd by society. They are fine people good at whatever they do, but they show no particular ambition or desire, or need to assert an opinion. They are at times at a loss in this somehow empty and meaningless world not knowing where to turn and what to do.
The story of the life and search of Anamika that bears the name "The end of a journey" is taken from this angle, and only as a story.